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Thousand Miles

You had reason to smile and weep
You had friends to play and fight
Father, Mother, Uncle and Aunt
Were besides you to guide
These were the days of Innocence.

A journey of some thousand miles
Your Innocence was left behind
New people and new friends around
Older the friends, happier was the life.

You had to get back, it’s never a lie
Away a thousand miles was tough
Tougher was to get back
You had to leave friends behind
But never from your heart and mind.

- Mumtaz Mohammed Hussain

Comments (4)

good dear.. i really lked it.. m always wid u honey.. nd my good wishes r always wid u..

really a good one.....
perhaps correctly says that time spares none however the memories are something that remain unchanged

Hey mohit great..

sir plz send your mail id.........